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Pregnancy massage Diploma in person

support pregnant women and their babies in their pregnancy journey: physically, emotionally and spiritually

Usually completed in About 3 hours

Thank you for enrolling on the Wellmother Pregnancy massage Diploma (BCMA) course.

If you want to submit comments and ask questions then just use the comments boxes at the end of every page. Scroll down now!

I have created this online course space so that all the information you need while you are preparing for the course, and while you are completing your case studies and project is all here in one place.

This is for people attending all pregnancy massage courses, so the specific information about your course location and times will be in your initial email confirmation and the website. If you are unsure then please contact your course organiser.

It is structured in forms of “lessons” which are essentially topics. In terms of the pre course study, just do what you can. We will be covering the topics during the course, but if you have some idea of the theory we will be learning, we will have more time for the practicals.

Each topic should not take too long to read. You will want to print off the evaluation forms and client feedback forms

You can see the lessons displayed to the left of this page. Hope you enjoy it and let me know if anything is not clear!

Supporting material for all lessons

Main course book: Pregnancy and childbirth: a holistic approach to massage and body work.


Course book:
Pregnancy and childbirth: a holistic guide to massage and bodywork by Suzanne Yates (Elsevier 2010)
Here is a link to Amazon to buy this book
If you live outside the UK and Europe, it may be easier to order it directly from Elsevier’s website
Other books by Suzanne
Suzanne Yates – Shiatsu for Midwives (Elsevier) ( you can order this from my website,
This is helpful for basic concepts of shiatsu as well as the maternity approach
Beautiful Birth (shiatsu and massage for labour; written for parents) (Pinter and Martin second edition 2017):
Other useful reading for pregnancy and birth
I need to update this list so any suggestions welcome
General pregnancy information
Sheila Kitzinger – The New Pregnancy and Childbirth  There are many editions of this. You can get second hand versions of the Penguin edition from Amazon. A good general book, aimed at parents, which can give a nice introduction, especially if the field is new to you. It also has some good pictures of birth
Or Balaskas and Gordon – The Encyclopaedia of Pregnancy & Birth (Brown & Little) – 
Or – Birth and Beyond by Yeheudi Gordon, (Vermillion Press) (2002). If you want to look at the period beyond birth as well, This covers the material of the Kitzinger and previous Gordon book but also covers the first year and beyond of a baby’s life and is excellent value at £17.99.
There are not really many I can suggest: which is why I wrote mine. However of the US books I like the following:
Leslie Stager: Nurturing Massage for Pregnancy LWW 2009:
Although this book is fairly brief, it gives a good over view of the work and, although Leslie is American, she is also a midwife and I like her approach.
The next two books are useful, but the US approach and context is slightly different to European.
Carole Osborne-Sheets – Pre and Perinatal Massage Therapy (LWW, 2011)
Elaine Stillerman: Pre Natal massage (Mosby 2007)
The following books are about the orthodox medical model of birth and its appropriateness
Marsden Wagner – Pursuing the Birth Machine -The Search for Appropriate Birth Technology (Ace Graphics, 1994)
Enkin, Keirse and Chalmers – Guide to Effective Care in Pregnancy and Childbirth (Oxford University Press)
Pat Thomas – Every Woman’s Birthrights(Thorsons 1996)
The following books relate to exercise
Elizabeth Noble – Essential exercises for the Childbearing Year (Houghton Mifflin)
Books by Janet Balaskas, Francoise Freedman
The following books are about holistic approaches to birth. Some are old now, but still relevant
Ina May Gaskin – Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth (Bantam) and Spiritual Midwifery
Elizabeth Noble- Childbirth with Insight (Houghton Mifflin)
Grantly Dick-Read – Childbirth without Fear (Harper and Row)
D. Tiran and S. Mack – Complementary therapies in midwifery practice (Bailliere Tindall)
Judith Goldsmith – Childbirth Wisdom
Other useful books
Coad – Anatomy and Physiology for Midwives, (Mosby)
Ashley Montagu- Touching – The Human Significance of the Skin (Harper and Row)
edit B. Sweeting – Mayes Midwifery (Bailliere Tindall)
Dr Sarah J Buckley Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering (Celestial Arts 09)
The following books are about Chinese medicine and Shiatsu
You don’t necessarily need to know this information: but you may want to find out a little more: it is optional!
Ted Kaptchuck – The Web that has no Weaver (Century Hutchinson)
Harriet Beinfield and Efrem Kornngold – Between Heaven and Earth – A Guide to Chinese Medicine (Ballantine)
Introductory books on Shiatsu have been written by Paul Lundberg, Chris Jarmey, Nicola Pooley and Elaine Liechti. Choose the one which appeals most to you. They often have colour charts which you may find useful
Natural Childbirth the Eastern Way – A Healthy Pregnancy and Delivery through Shiatsu by Wataru Ohashi with Mary Hoover. This is quite basic. I prefer his book on Baby Shiatsu (Touch for Love) but this is out of print.


  1. massage1 on 16/09/2019 at 9:39 pm

    How detailed should the Bibiography be for the assignments?

  2. josie Truell on 07/09/2018 at 10:19 am

    Im trying to print evaluation forms and assignment requirments and It’s not coming up with the infomation to print it. and everything Ive completed has come up as not complete.

    • suzanneyates on 17/09/2018 at 8:05 am

      I think you worked this out?!

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