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Networking: meeting in Bristol Thursday 25th April 2013

If you don’t live in Bristol, you can still network with other Well Mother colleagues, and others doing similar work to us.

The Bristol Networking meeting  is on 25 April 7pm at Bubalu, Gloucester Road. Rsvp to Born

I must admit that I am rather old fashioned as I prefer networking face to face physically, but that is not always possible, so I do appreciate the many other opportunities offered by the internet. In fact I don’t think I would have been able to develop my work in the way I have without it.

I am sorry that I haven’t had the time to translate all the blogs into French, German, Italian and Spanish but if anyone would like to do this, it would be fantastic and open up the networking more.

Sometimes there can be a tendency to see other people working in our field as competitors and not want to communicate with them. However I have always found that I have developed both personally and professionally through working with and supporting others.  Especially working as a self- employed therapist, it can be easy to feel isolated. As a teacher, it is even easier to feel isolated: it’s one of the reasons I set up my teacher training programme in 2006.  We have so much to learn and share with each other and I feel we need support to be able to develop our work as well as communicate it to the public.

For most of the last year, every other Wednesday I have had a wonderful morning with my colleagues in the Creating Family mastermind group.  We have all grown and gained a lot from supporting and inspiring each other.  Certainly for me in developing my website, I had lots of ideas and inspiration as well as contacts, through the group.  Although I have lived in Bristol since 1979, much of my work in the past few years has been abroad. I had to stop teaching my weekly classes in Bristol in 2002, and so appreciate being able to stay more connected with what is happening locally. There is so much more than when I began Well Mother in 1990! There are seven of us in our group and I introduce each of them on my website:

The  Mastermind approach was originally outlined by Napoleon Hill in his book “Think and grow rich”.


Hill was looking at the common factors shared by “successful “ people. One factor is working together: if we get together with others we increase the power of ourselves.  Hill wrote of the importance of:  “coordination of knowledge and effort in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people, for the attainment of a definite purpose.”

When this happens a new presence/energy is created. He called this the “third mind”

“No two minds ever come together without, thereby, creating a third, invisible, intangible force which may be likened to a third mind.” He states that when the minds of two people are coordinated in a spirit of harmony, the spiritual units of energy of each mind form an affinity, which constitutes the “psychic” phase of the Master Mind.

We have all found it so inspiring that we want to encourage you all to consider getting together with other like-minded practitioners and colleagues in other fields who are working to support women and families to be more in touch with their own wisdom, in many different ways. We are not only supporting ourselves this way but our clients as well!

I’d like to invite those who live in Bristol to come to this networking event, but for those who don’t live in Bristol, why not set up a networking evening yourself? I won’t be able to be there as I am teaching midwives in Brussels, but Heidi Armstrong, one of my Well Mother teachers, will be.

It is on 25 April 7pm at Bubalu, Gloucester to Born

You might also like to meet with other Well Mother colleagues at the regular CPD events which are held in London, with Nicola Endicott, another Well Mother teacher,  and Bath, with Heidi,  throughout the year and maybe set up your own Mastermind group.

Well Mother London and Bath study groups: these are open to anyone who has studied with Suzanne Yates. The aim of the group is for Well Mother students and practitioners to receive supervision and extra training on working with pregnant women. Including pregnancy, birth and postnatal treatments.

Nicola Endicott runs a regular small study group in London.

The next dates are; Friday 24th May 2013 and 11th October 2013 from 11.00am until 1.30pm at the Kailash Centre, St John’s Wood

The cost is £17 and it needs to be booked in advance, either with a cheque to Nicola Endicott or via online credit to her account. Further details can be obtained from Nicola

Heidi Armstrong is also going to be running on going CPD support groups for WM therapists in the Bath/Bristol area.

The group will run quarterly and will be from 10—1pm on a Friday.

At The Bath Shiatsu Practice 7 Henrietta Villas Bath, BA2 6LX

The cost will be £20.

The first session will probably be 24th May

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