Shiatsu: a way to support optimal fertility and physical and emotional health
Part One: This is the first blog I wrote for the French website info-lux.com. It is in three parts. If…
Death and transformation: La mort et la transformation
Aujourd’hui, cela fait un mois que ma mère est décédée : le 5 novembre 2015. Au Royaume-Uni, c’est la nuit…
Death and transformation: the power of Jing
Today it is one month since my mother died: 5th November 2015. Here in the UK this is Bonfire night,…
Pre-conception: the Dao and Jing expressed in our body
Coming into being part 2: Pre-conception: the Dao and Jing expressed in our body In this blog, I am going to…
Buildings and bodies
I was teaching in Amsterdam last weekend and stayed in a wonderfully quirky hotel The Lloyd (www.lloydhotel.com). It boasts that…