Support women, babies and their partners to be more connected to their inner wisdom during pregnancy, birth and beyond.
You will learn the principles of shiatsu touch which combines acupressure techniques with massage type work such as stroking and holding, exercise and breathing.
Shiatsu is based on the concept of nurturing the body as a whole. The body is seen as a microcosm of the earth/universe and influenced by the rhythms of the seasons and the outside world. We can learn to nurture our body like a garden. Shiatsu can not only relieve physical symptoms but enable people to tap into their own resources, on a physical, emotional and spiritual level.
This different approach to maternity care will enhance not just your touch skills but the way you support women with breathing, exercise and visualisations. You will even learn skills to support your own well being and prevent burn out.
You will:
understand the perinatal period in a new way, which will enhance your work with your clients, not simply adding in additional touch based skills, but a new approach to breathing, visualisation, movement and exercise
learn basic theoretical and practical principles of Chinese medicine and shiatsu in a simple and safe way, so that you can immediately start applying them to your work through the whole maternity period: pregnancy, birth and postnatally.
explore how shiatsu-based skills can support you personally – promoting your own well-being and preventing ‘burn-out’.
The courses on this page are the foundation courses. You can chose to attend an introductory day as a taster day. You can also choose to do the Online course. The next step is to take part one of the course (2 days). You can choose to attend part one of the course without having attended an introductory day. After attending part one you can develop your skills by attending the Deepening Skills courses. Please contact us for more information.
What you will learn on the Introductory days and Part One 2 days
The full training is 6 days (9.30-5.30 each day). The first part of the course is to attend an introductory day and/or part one (Pregnancy and birth preparation: days 1 and 2 of the 6 days course)
For the content of the next four days, go to Midwives: Deepening skills
Introductory days give you a taste of shiatsu, which you can already start introducing in your work. You can then deepen you skills by attending a part one course.
Introductory days:
To be arranged: If you are interested please contact:
Justine Sipprell, East Sussex
Lucy Trend, Glasgow
Nicola Endicott, Dorking
Learn the basics of effective shiatsu touch and how to apply it for late pregnancy and birth. You will learn some Shiatsu techniques effective for many situations in late pregnancy and birth and how to work in various positions including all fours.
Part One: Pregnancy and Birth Preparation (Days one and two of 6 days)
25th and 26th April: Suzanne Yates, Bristol
Chipping Norton: dates to be arranged
This will be sponsored by the local RCM. If you are interested please email the organiser Tina Carberry direct
Introduction to key theoretical and practical concepts of using shiatsu for pregnancy and birth. This includes developing touch skills and personal development work.
We will cover:
- Introduction to key theoretical concepts (Qi, Jing, Meridians)
- Introduction to Shiatsu Meridian Exercises
- Introduction to Practical Principles of Shiatsu (working positions and posture, use of pressure, Mother hand/working hand, feeling full and empty energy patterns)
- Shiatsu work for Labour (covering work in the all 4’s position, including the ball, sacrum, back, neck, Governing Vessel and Bladder meridians, labour points)
By the end of these two days you will have some safe and effective shiatsu skills and understandings which you can use with your clients for specific situations such as back ache, connecting with baby, supporting optimal fetal positioning as well as skills you can teach parents in birth preparation classes.
Suzanne’s course for midwives enabled me in 6 days to have a good knowledge of the main ways in which to balance energy with shiatsu. I was able to use it immediately in my work.
Shiatsu touch enables a quick and profound connection with a labouring woman. Almost immediately she can relax and go with the process. My connections with my clients have been enriched.
Fabienne Taugwalder
I am very glad I took this course because it has deepened and broaden my skills in touching and seeing the body. It has given me a greater awareness and insight into the meridians and shiatsu points. This complements reading the body through postural and alignment lines in teaching movement and yoga.
This course will enable me to improve as a yoga teacher and has given me an additional lens to better appreciate the complex interrelationships between body, mind, movement, breath and now touch.
Sandra Chua
Pregnancy and Postnatal Yoga Teacher
Shiatsu offers a specific form of healing touch and a different approach to maternity care which can enhance your work. You will learn basic theoretical and practical principles of Chinese medicine and shiatsu in a simple and safe way, so that you can immediately start applying them to your work through the whole maternity period: pregnancy, birth and postnatally.
This course has been running since 1999 teaching aspects of shiatsu which are relevant to midwives and other maternity health professionals. It has developed over the years through Suzanne’s teaching in different birth settings both in the UK and internationally. During the course you will complete a supervised practical session with maternity clients. After the course, you can choose to complete case studies and a project so that you can receive the Wellmother certificate in Maternity Shiatsu Skills for midwives, doulas and maternity care workers. More information on this will be giving during the course.
What you will learn over the whole six day course
For more information on what will be covered specifically on days 3 to 6 please visit the Deepening Skills page.
- Knowledge of shiatsu techniques for different stages of pregnancy.
- Shiatsu techniques for labour, including their use in various birth positions and how to include these in birth preparation sessions with partners.
- Awareness and massage of the baby in the womb, including techniques to aid anterior cephalic presentation of baby.
- Shiatsu techniques appropriate for the new-born, including how to teach to parents.
- Use of exercise, breathing, relaxation, visualisations: this will not only be of use in supporting your clients, but useful for you personally and help you learn new skills to relaxation to enhance your own well-being and vitality and reduce burn out..
- Oriental views of pregnancy, birth and the postnatal period – including energy changes in the mother and development of the foetus/baby: this can give you a new approach to your work .
- Supporting development of the mother’s and father’s relationship with the baby and their confidence in their own bodies and wisdom.
- Guidelines on how the shiatsu approach can be included within midwifery practice including when to refer to a Shiatsu practitioner or other relevant health professional.