Heuvel, Belgium
Véronique works with independent midwives in Belgium
Veronique’s passion is to integrate shiatsu with western medicine and works with themes from birth to death. She works with independent midwives in Belgium and accompanies pregnant women and their partners during pregnancy, birth and postnatal recovery. She teaches midwives Shiatsu skills for labour and how to integrate the Oriental approach of labour and delivery into their work: ‘It’s about learning to connect and feel what the body of the woman needs in order to stay connected with her wisdom and baby.’ The holistic approach at Well Mother inspires her in her work.
Originally trained as a paediatric and intensive care nurse, she worked for 12 years on the intensive care ward of the University Hospital of Antwerp (UZA) in Belgium. More and more she felt the need to support people from the holistic view (including emotions and bodywork), instead of only using the medical approach. By travelling a lot in the Eastern countries she saw that is about the complementarity, working together to improve care. That’s why she started to study shiatsu. She trained as a shiatsu therapist in 2004 and did the Shiatsu and maternity care diploma with Well Mother in 2009 and studied with Suzanne in 2010- 2012. She did the Wellmother teacher training course in 2104 and has been a Wellmother teacher since 2015. She can teach in Dutch, French and English.
Veronique wrote a blog about a trip she made to Japan: she also studies Akido.
You can contact her: Heuvel 68, B-9320 Erembodegem, Belgium