Tours, France
teaches midwives courses in France
I find great joy in being able to use shiatsu to accompany people in their lives. With its simplicity and subtlety, I find shiatsu is based on expressing consideration towards others as well as one’s self.
I work as a Shiatsu practitioner in Tours, in a multi-disciplinary practice at Langeais which includes midwives. I love training medical staff to learn about Shiatsu. I now assist Suzanne in her midwifery training in France as well as running my own courses for midwives.
It was during my own two pregnancies, when I began learning about yoga, haptonomy and meditation , that I was led to study shiatsu. Already during my shiatsu training I was very drawn to maternity shiatsu and studied with Suzanne Yates and Well Mother during the first training in France in 2006. Very quickly I was fortunate enough to be able to practice shiatsu in the Maternity department at Pithviers hospital where I worked for 7 years. There I gave shiatsu antenatally, postnatally and did birth preparation sessions for couples as well as attending many births. I trained the staff there and eventually handed over my work to Gina Debrito and Sylvie Allard, two other students of Wellmother.