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Sylvie Allard
Business Name
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Sylvie Allard
Business Genre
Long Business Description

Depuis 2006 pratique en cabinet et à domicile, à toutes les étapes de la vie et principalement en accompagnement des femmes pour favoriser la fertilité, pendant la grossesse et après l'accouchement. Pour les déséquilibres menstruels et pendant la période de la ménopause.

Propose une approche au Shiatsu avec les couples dans le cadre d'un projet d'accouchement sans péridurale.

Formations avec les sages-femmes en milieu hospitalier dans le cadre des "Salles Nature" et "Pôles physio".

Depuis 2012 organisatrice du stage annuel des Merveilleux vaisseaux animé par Suzanne Yates à Paris.

Praticienne (2005) et enseignante (2010) certifiée par la Fédération Française de Shiatsu Traditionnel.
Intervenante dans le service maternité de Pithiviers de 2011 à 2014 auprès des patientes en pré et postnatal ainsi que l'équipe soignante.

Assistante de Suzanne Yates en formation avec les sages-femmes à Paris 2012/2013

Business Phone Number
Business Address
197 rue du faubourg Saint Denis
Szilvia Feher
Business Name
Business Genre
Long Business Description

Shiatsu for women's health, fertility, pregnancy, postnatal, menstrual health, Baby Shiatsu

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
Business Address
Approach Road
Ta Ke Shiatsu
Business Name
Personal Name
Clare James
Business Genre
Long Business Description

Clare specialises in self-shiatsu and partner-shiatsu with womb yoga and mindfulness for women, men and babies on retreat, in private sessions and online classes. Clare works in Essex, UK and in Sicily.

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
07952 123 502 / +39 388 368 7794
Business Address
31 Guildford Road, Colchester, Essex
Tania Benedetti
Business Name
Personal Name
Tania Benedetti
Long Business Description

Sono una terapista della Neuro e Psicomotricità dell'Età Evolutiva, una terapista Shiatsu e praticante Wellmother.

Accompagno la donna a vivere in naturalezza ogni fase della sua vita: sostenendola nei problemi di fertilità, durante la gravidanza e nel post gravidanza, dalla fase dell'allattamento all'interazione genitori bebè.
Credo fermamente in un approccio olistico, mi affido da anni alla saggezza dello Yoga, alla profondità della Medicina Tradizionale Cinese, alla risonanza dei campi energetici dello Shiatsu e alle leggi della Bio-Logia, affinché la gravidanza diventi un momento magico da vivere in totale consapevolezza.

Business Phone Number
Business Address
Via Luigi Sabatini, 6
Civitavecchia (Roma)
Psychotherapeutic Counsellor & Bodyworker
Business Name
Personal Name
Tânia Gallindo
Business Genre
Long Business Description

I have finished my training with Suzanne in 2004 and have been working with women for over 20 years offering Shiatsu, Shiatsu for pregnancy, Baby massage, Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy and more recently, Psychotherapeutic Counselling. I am a psychotherapeutic counsellor and bodyworker specialising in working with people suffering with known or unknown trauma (very common) issues as developmental trauma (widely common), complex trauma, transgenerational trauma, trauma caused by physical and/or sexual abuse. Experiencing trauma can be highly detrimental to one's daily life and some of the symptoms are anxiety, self-loathing, depression, low self-esteem, ADHD and OCD to name a few dis-eases. My work has a holistic and transpersonal touch to therapy, which sees problems or issues as an opportunity for self knowledge and growth.

I offer:

*Shiatsu (Therapeutic Bodywork)
*Biodynamic Cranioacral Therapy
*Psychotherapeutic Counselling (Psychosynthesis)

Shiatsu for Pregnancy and Baby Massage is not featured on my website however a session can be organised if it is requested.
I speak fluently Portuguese and Spanish.

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
Business Address
21 Golden Jubilee Way

Vers l’équilibre SHIATSU
Personal Name
Maria Larsson Greppin
Business Genre
Long Business Description

Dans mon cabinet au bord du lac à Nyon, et au centre de médecine de la femme à Lausanne, je vous reçois dans un cadre chaleureux et bienveillant.

Accompagnement holistique de la maternité, de la périnatalité et des cycles féminin: grossesse, accouchement, période postnatal, et des troubles des cycles féminin et de la ménopause. Un espace dédié aux soins de la femme et aux troubles spécifiquement féminin.

Du désir d'enfant à la ménopause, le shiatsu atténue la douleurs des règles, favorise la conception, soulage les petits maux de la grossesse, soutient la femme et le bébé pendant l'accouchement et la période postnatale, et atténue les désagréments de la ménopause. C'est aussi un accompagnement précieux pour soutenir la femme dans les pathologies féminines comme le cancer du sein par exemple. Le Shiatsu est une forme de toucher thérapeutique, adapté à chaque moment de la vie d'une femme.

Je vous propose également trois ateliers:
- Do In : découvrez l'art de l'automassage (avec des exercices de respiration, des étirements thérapeutiques et de la méditation)
- Maman-bébé : baby-massage - apprendre à donner un shiatsu à son bébé
- Gymnastique ludique - bouger avec bébé et retrouver la forme en douceur après l'accouchement

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
Business Address
Cabinet Vers l'équilibre SHIATSU, Rue de Rive 28, 1260 Nyon
Centre de Médecine de la Femme, Avenue Louis-Ruchonnet 38, 1003 Lausanne
Vital Spark Shiatsu
Business Name
Personal Name
Helen Kermode
Business Genre
Long Business Description

I am a Shiatsu practitioner specialising in women's health including menstrual health, fertility, pregnancy, birth preparation, post-natal, menopause and beyond.

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
07914 725460
Business Address
KY15 7PW
Business Name
Personal Name
Samara Hawthorn
Long Business Description

WellMama CIC

Business Website Address
Business Address
Bryn yr Blodau, Llanycefn, Clynderwen, Wales
SA66 7QJ
Massage for Pregnancy - Twins on  board!
Personal Name
Lucy Trend
Long Business Description

Lucy is a specialist in pregnancy, fertility, post natal and baby. She is a Shiatsu practitioner, doula (trained with Michel Odent and Liliana Lammers) and a trained Well Mother teacher, also offering post graduate training courses for Complementary Therapists, Midwives, Doulas & OBGs in Massage, Shiatsu and Moxibustion. She is active in the Positive Birth movement and is co-facilitator of the Positive Birth Group in Glasgow.

Lucy is a teacher level member of the Register of the Shiatsu Society MRSS(T) and a member of the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC – the Department of Health recommended regulatory body).

Lucy has an interest in Mindfulness and is currently enrolled with Aberdeen University on the MSc in Mindfulness course. She is also studying to become a Yoga teacher. She qualified as a Shiatsu therapist in Montreal, Canada in 1996 and has been practicing and teaching Shiatsu in Glasgow since 1997. In the years 2000 & 2009 she travelled to Chiang Mai, Northern Thailand to study with Surin Janpanet, a retired monk who trained in the temple, sadly now deceased. She is now director of Thai Massage Training Scotland, offering training in authentic Traditional Thai Therapies. She continues her professional development including study of derivative therapies such as Dynamic Thai Massage, Osteo-Thai, Myofascial Release, Cranio-sacral therapy, but firmly believes the wisdom of the ancient therapies that developed over thousands of years runs deep and she honours that basis in her treatments and teaching.
Her past background is in dance performance and movement therapy, she offers treatment to a broad spectrum of clients including musicians, dancers, athletes and people with special needs. She holds Mindfulness based corporate team building and self-development training for private and public sector organisations across Scotland including Diageo, NHS Glasgow and 3D Drumchapel.

When she gets the time, Lucy offers post graduate training for Shiatsu practitioners. She previously taught at the Glasgow and Edinburgh Schools of Shiatsu.

Business Phone Number
Business Address
82 Gordon Street,
Glasgow City Centre
G1 3RS
Yolanda Shiatsu
Business Name
Personal Name
Yolanda chambers
Business Genre
Long Business Description

Shiatsu Practitioner working with a wide range of clients and with Fertility, Pregnancy and Postnatally.
With a special interest in Pregnancy and women's menstrual cycles. Qualified 2005, Wellmother 2009.

Business Phone Number
Business Address
Ashley Down