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Cécile Raffy
Business Name
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Raffy Cécile
Long Business Description

Massothérapeute (réflexologie et massages Bien-être), spécialiste en shiatsu (titre RNCP, niv III), assistante de Suzanne Yates.
Depuis 2014, j'exerce en cabinet et à domicile auprès d'un public très large (de la naissance à l'accompagnement fin de vie). L'ensemble de mes pratiques me permettent de vous proposer un soin personnalisé et juste.
Spécialisation dans l'accompagnement au féminin: pré-adolescence et accompagnement à la puberté, déséquilibres féminins (endométriose, cycles complexes...), fertilité et accompagnement à la PMA, grossesse, préparation à l'accouchement et atelier de préparation en couple, post-partum, pré-ménopause et ménopause, sexualité.
Ateliers de Do In personnalisés
Shiatsu sur chaise (entreprises ou évènements)
Initiation massage
Accompagnement sur les maladies longues et les parcours de fin de vie
Massothérapeute (réflexologie multizone et massages Bien-être)

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
Business Address
445 chemin de pierre à feu
26160 Le Poet Laval
Dominique DÉPIT
Business Name
Personal Name
Dominique DÉPIT
Business Genre
Long Business Description

Praticienne de shiatsu thérapeutique depuis 2014, je me suis ouverte au "shiatsu et maternité" avec le bel enseignement de Suzanne Yates en 2018.
J'accompagne l'attente de bébé en séances de suivi de grossesse à tous les trimestres, et en séances de préparation à la naissance avec un partenaire au troisième trimestre. J'accompagne l'arrivée de bébé en séances post-natales pour la femme et son bébé.

Business Phone Number
06 95 32 31 56
Business Address
39 rue Saint Jean du Grays
37100 TOURS
Embody Health
Business Name
Personal Name
Gillian Farrell
Long Business Description

At Embody Health I support women on their journey towards wholeness and wellness through the mediums of shiatsu, massage & movement, so that they can experience more joy and vitality in their life. I also run regular baby shiatsu massage classes and labour support workshops for women and their birthing partners.

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Business Address
County Dublin
Business Name
Personal Name
Long Business Description

Praticienne d’ayurvéda formée en Inde en 1999, enseignante au massage Ayurvédique depuis 2006.

Former au massage de la femme enceinte et du bébé à l’ARTEC en 2002.

Praticienne de Shiatsu en 2005 agrée FFST, enseignante, organisatrice et assistante de Suzanne Yates ( Well Mother).
Enseignante au massage de la femme enceinte (Synergie de l’ayurvéda et du shiatsu) depuis 2008.

J’ai travaillé 3 ans à la maternité de Pithiviers en accompagnant les femmes pendant la grossesse, en préparation à la naissance avec leurs partenaires et en post-natal.

Je travaille dans un cabinet regroupant plusieurs disciplines autour de la maternité. J’y organise aussi des ateliers massage maman/bébé, des ateliers d’accompagnement à l’accouchement en shiatsu avec le papa.

Accompagnement des jeunes filles dans la rentrée de leur vie de femme.
Les femmes qui ont des déséquilibres dans leurs cycles menstruels. Accompagnement les femmes pendant leur nouvelle vie ‘’la ménopause’’.

Les couples dans la procréation naturelle et assistée, fausse couche…

Séances au cabinet ou à domicile.

Business Phone Number
Business Address
Cabinet Tanit, 16 rue des Lyanes
Giorgia Tisselli
Business Name
Personal Name
Giorgia Tisselli
Long Business Description

Sono un'operatrice Shiatsu certificata Apos, operatrice Jin Shin Do® e praticante di Massaggio Thailandese.
Ho terminato la formazione Wellmother nel 2022 con Alexandra Gelny specializzandomi nelle tematiche connesse al concepimento, alla gravidanza e al periodo post parto. Ho approfondito in seguito le tematiche relative al periodo di menopausa. Sono naturalmente portata a lavorare con le donne, a sostenerle durante i periodi dei grandi cambiamenti attraverso il tocco e lo shiatsu in una relazione da cuore a cuore.

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Business Address
Hannah Mackay
Business Name
Business Genre
Long Business Description

I have been practicing shiatsu since 1997, and completed Wellmother training in 2001. I work with a wide variety of clients as well as specialising in maternity work. I work with women throughout pregnancy, birth and in the postnatal period. I have expertise in working with women who have had difficult birth experiences.

I work in Chorlton and Manchester city centre.

I also teach shiatsu, with the Shiatsu College and independently, and I also offer small group or individual training.

Business Website Address
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Business Address
Chorlton; and Bodywise Natural Health Centre
M21 and M4
Treatments & blends to help your body rediscover a more peaceful & harmonious state – “in hara”.
Business Name
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Long Business Description

Using massage, shiatsu and aromatherapy to support women and their families to have a happy and natural pregnancy. As well as offering massage and shiatsu treatments, I will help support the whole pregnancy journey with an individually created unique range of natural aromatherapy products with tailored advise on how to use them at home; this could include a personalised massage blend, a tummy balm, a sore aching back balm, an inhaler for morning sickness or nappy rash gel for when baby arrives ❤️.
“I spent two wonderful hours each week with Fen during my pregnancy, during which she treated me to a perfectly tailored session of massage, shiatsu and aromatherapy. Her treatments and magic touch helped me relax and work through the physical niggles of pregnancy, and become more in tune with my body as it changed. Our sessions also played a huge part in preparation for labour. The breathing techniques and body positioning work we did together were invaluable when the big day came. Fen has a warm, calm and open approach to her sessions which ensure that both body and mind get the care and attention they need. I can't recommend Fen's pregnancy massage highly enough!” Anne, Lecturer, Researcher and new mum!

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
07968 898 350
Business Address
39 Cotham Hill
Janet Attwood
Business Name
Personal Name
Janet Attwood
Business Genre
Long Business Description

Shiatsu practitioner and previous midwife, specialising in working in pregnancy and childbirth. Also offer baby massage teaching.

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
Business Address
Oxford Villas, Guiseley, Leeds
Justine Sipprell
Business Name
Personal Name
Shiatsu therapist, Doula, Pilates and Pelvic floor health teacher
Long Business Description

Justine received Shiatsu at her first birth back in 1997 and was blown away at how effective it was. She was on a mission for every women to receive Shiatsu in their pregnancy and labour. She first met Suzanne in 2002 and started to do the Well Mother training while continuing to support women through Shiatsu.
In 2007 Justine taught her first module with Suzanne in Brighton and continued to teach 'Shiatsu for Midwives & Doulas' both in a hospital and retreat setting. In 2009 she started to train as a Pilates teacher and by 2011 was incorporating her knowledge of Pilates into her pre and post natal Shiatsu sessions.
In 2013, Justine and her family moved to Toronto, where along with teaching Pilates, she taught Shiatsu pregnancy couples workshops, attended a few births and taught Doulas 'Shiatsu for labour'. She has specialised in pelvic floor health and currently runs workshops on the Hypopressive method. Justine has recently moved back to East Sussex and plans to continue her teaching both in the UK and Canada.

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
+44 07951 322738
Business Address
Hunters Croft
Selmeston, Polegate
BN26 6UD
Business Name
Personal Name
Edith Anahory
Business Genre
Long Business Description

Praticienne de Shiatsu depuis 2004 - formée en shiatsu maternité avec Suzanne Yates - Iokai Shiatsu avec Sasaki Senseï - membre des syndicats FFST et SPS
Accompagnement des mamans et couples en cabinet - Ateliers parents-enfants ; mamans-bébés .

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
0.33 603.86.09.38
Business Address
37 rue Riquet , Bat B - 31000 Toulouse- France
(Métro François verdier)