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Praticienne d’ayurvéda formée en Inde en 1999, enseignante au massage Ayurvédique depuis 2006.

Former au massage de la femme enceinte et du bébé à l’ARTEC en 2002.

Praticienne de Shiatsu en 2005 agrée FFST, enseignante, organisatrice et assistante de Suzanne Yates ( Well Mother).
Enseignante au massage de la femme enceinte (Synergie de l’ayurvéda et du shiatsu) depuis 2008.

J’ai travaillé 3 ans à la maternité de Pithiviers en accompagnant les femmes pendant la grossesse, en préparation à la naissance avec leurs partenaires et en post-natal.

Je travaille dans un cabinet regroupant plusieurs disciplines autour de la maternité. J’y organise aussi des ateliers massage maman/bébé, des ateliers d’accompagnement à l’accouchement en shiatsu avec le papa.

Accompagnement des jeunes filles dans la rentrée de leur vie de femme.
Les femmes qui ont des déséquilibres dans leurs cycles menstruels. Accompagnement les femmes pendant leur nouvelle vie ‘’la ménopause’’.

Les couples dans la procréation naturelle et assistée, fausse couche…

Séances au cabinet ou à domicile.

Business Phone Number
Business Address
Cabinet Tanit, 16 rue des Lyanes
Element Earth Massage
Business Name
Personal Name
Claire Plowright
Business Genre
Long Business Description

Your pregnancy journey is a precious time. You may feel connected, flowing and full of life. You can also feel overwhelmed, in pain, aching, sleep deprived, and anxious. The emotional rollercoaster could and can, bring all of these in one day!
Booking a pregnancy massage or series of massages can really support you to feel connected to your own needs, giving you time to nurture your body, mind and baby, especially when there are many other demands in life.
Working either on massage table, exercise ball or futon mattress, I can support you and your baby in a relaxing, nurturing and personalised massage, that attends to the needs of your body on the day. I include visualisation and light movement work in the sessions to allow you to really connect in with your body and baby and to allow the demands of the outside world to melt away for session time.
My approach to your massage session will be authentic, open and supportive. I can work with you at any stage of pregnancy and during postnatal times. I have a very welcoming therapy room in Malvern, or I can also provide massage in your home, too. I can also work with you and with your partner or birth partner, to provide antenatal support in your home.
I very much look forward to hearing from you, if you would like to connect.

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
07725 460380
Business Address
15 Worcester Rd, Malvern WR14 4QY
Mobile appointments also available

WR14 4QY
Cabinet AC-Shiatsu
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Personal Name
CAMPEGLIA Antoinette
Business Genre
Long Business Description

Praticienne de Shiatsu diplômée de l’école IOKAI Suisse en décembre 2016.
Formation WELLMOTHER intégrant les modules grossesse, accouchement, postnatal, cycle féminin et maternité. Diplômée en novembre 2019.

Business Phone Number
+41 78 652.31.10
Business Address
Route de Bussy 16
1530 Payerne (VD)
Route de la Corbière 6
1470 Estavayer-le-Lac

Phillippa Jane
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I tailor the massasge to your needs.
We can work on the couch in a sidelying position if that is comfortable for you, or we can exlore ways to seat you, leaning over the couch, or maybe even kneeling on the floor and over an excercise ball. Your comfort is my priority and we can try different ways until we find one that suits you. It may be that we try all of them over the 9 months!

If you are first time client, I'll get in touch before hand with a consulation form for you to fill in and return, this will help me to prepare for our first session together and talk about any special requirements you may have.

I look forward to bringing you some rest time when you need it most during your pregnancy.

Business Website Address
Business Address
Bristol and Weston Super Mare


Sam Wilkinson The Movement Base Leigh-on-Sea
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As the Co-founder of The Movement Base in Leigh-on-Sea our studios and therapy rooms offer Sports Massage, Massage for Pregnancy and Pilates.
All our sessions are bespoke, paying attend to detail and the needs of the client.

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
Business Address
149 Leigh Road
Heathers Sports Massage and Heathers Pregnancy and Post-Natal Massage
Personal Name
Heather Drewe
Business Genre
Long Business Description

Heather’s Pregnancy and Post-Natal Massage

Business Phone Number
Business Address
Praticienne de shiatsu depuis 2009, je pratique le shiatsu “well mother” depuis 2012, j’organise des ateliers collectifs avec les couples pour préparer la naissance régulièrement dans mon cabinet à Nancy.
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La voix du corps est pour moi un accompagnement incomparable pour aider notre incarnation.
Accompagner le corps à tous les changements de la vie d'une femme par le shiatsu, la MLC, et le massage sonore aux bols tibétains.
Le shiatsu des bébé et des enfants.

Business Phone Number
06 16 39 64 64
Business Address
55 rue de la commanderie 54000 NANCY
Janet Attwood
Business Name
Personal Name
Janet Attwood
Business Genre
Long Business Description

Shiatsu practitioner and previous midwife, specialising in working in pregnancy and childbirth. Also offer baby massage teaching.

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
Business Address
Oxford Villas, Guiseley, Leeds
Carina Stinchcombe
Business Name
Business Genre
Long Business Description

I have worked as a massage therapist and bodyworker since 2001, I have always enjoyed working with a range of clients and conditions, always one of the greatest privileges and joys of my work is having the opportunity to support and offer nourishment and guidance to women during their pregnancy. Receiving massage during pregnancy offers so much; the chance to integrate change and transformation physically and emotionally, to have your changing body honoured and witnessed and to feel the connection between your state of mind and wellbeing and the response of your baby in your womb. Massage also helps to restore structural balance and alleviate pain and tension. I also offer post natal treatments, and I am happy to adapt the treatment to facilitate your new born coming with you to the treatment room.

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
01981 242044
Business Address
The Old Trout Inn, Dulas
SHIATSU Praxis Wolhusen
Personal Name
Carolina Hügi
Business Genre
Long Business Description

Shiatsu, Well Mother, Dorn Therapie, Schmerztherapie nach LnB, Coaching und innere Arbeit

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
++41 (0)76 308 3869
Business Address
Entlebucherstrasse 11

6110 Wolhusen