How will shiatsu help you in your work with women and their families?
Shiatsu is a powerful touch based tool, which supports women and their families to be more connected to their maternity experience. It can help support family bonding and, the powerful emotional and spiritual changes. Shiatsu can help prepare women and their families for birth and the postnatal period as well as easing physical tensions such as backache and pelvic instability, supporting breastfeeding and offering pain relief for birth,
You can do a taster day or two day introduction to see if you like our approach. On completing 6 days study with us, you receive the Wellmother Diploma which allows you to integrate a different form of touch based support into your work.
We also offer on line courses and you can attend our Residential course.
Do you have a question about a shiatsu course?
Please get in touch and we will answer your questions