Well Mother Students’ Stories
Extraordinary Vessels and Pregnancy
This is a project written for my “Massage and Pregnancy ” course by Claire Plowright. This course is not for…
Pelvic organ prolapse (POP)
Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP) One of the things I love about teaching is seeing how my students take a topic which…
How safe is it to have massage or shiatsu in the first trimester of pregnancy?
Debunking myths of massage and shiatsu in pregnancy: part two How safe is it to have massage or shiatsu in…
Pregnancy massage: Connecting mother, baby and life
Here is another of my Pregnancy massage students projects about how pregnancy massage can support connections: Her project was entitled…
Benefits of Pregnancy massage: more than simply relaxation
I like to share some of the work my students do for the projects as part of the course work…
Menopause and the Extraordinary Vessels: reflections on the Menopause Gap and the Wellmother residential
Kate Codrington attended the Wellmother Residential in Italy in May 2018. The theme was Women’s cycles. During this residential, I…
Shiatsu practitioners role in maternity care
Lucy wrote this project back in 2004, and it was on the old site. I thought it was still interesting…
Sacred pregnancy
Here is a lovely project which one of my pregnancy massage students did for her Diploma: I hope you enjoy…
Shiatsu dans ma pratique de sage femme
ecrit par: Fabienne Taugwalder, sage femme suisse Le shiatsu a beaucoup changé ma pratique de sage-femme sur plusieurs plans. Le…
The Extraordinary Vessels and Continuum
I am happy to present a lovely perspective on the Extraordinary Vessels, written by one of the first Wellmother…