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The 8 Extraordinary Vessels and the first week after conception

Whole and self contained I have been busy teaching so apologies for the delay in this next Blog on the…


Extraordinary Vessels and Pregnancy

This is a project written for my “Massage and Pregnancy ” course by Claire Plowright. This course is not for…

Emerging from confinement and on line shiatsu or massage sessions

Although some of us are emerging from our confinement, we are probably going to be gradually seeing more clients face…

chakra flowers

How safe is it to have massage or shiatsu in the first trimester of pregnancy?

Debunking myths of massage and shiatsu in pregnancy: part two How safe is it to have massage or shiatsu in…

Turning breech babies

This is a post I wrote on  October 31, 2016  which didn’t get transferred over to the new site. Enjoy it…

Inducing labour naturally and pain relief with acupressure points

Some new research on acupressure points has shown how they can reduce pain during labour: these same  acupressure points have…

Massage for dads

 Victoria Armstrong, project on the role that massage can play in supporting fathers in the maternity period I am an…

The Extraordinary vessels and psychological issues

I was teaching a course at the Shambhala Shiatsu School  in Vienna recently and Johanna Garnitschnig, who was assisting me, added…

tree water new life

Girdle vessel: our connection with our potential

It has been a while since I posted a blog: I have been very busy teaching! I have written out…

Shiatsu, massage and acupressure points to relieve pain in labour

This blog is about how your birth partner can use shiatsu, massage and acupressure points to relieve pain in labour. It…