All ()Shiatsu and the Extraordinary Vessels ()Menstrual Cycles to Maturessence© (Menopause/Andropause) ()Birth and Beginnings ()Ageing and Dying ()Common Health Complaints ()In memory of Sonia Moriceau -my main shiatsu teacher10 years onIn June, one of my students reminded me that it is 10 years since Sonia Moriceau, my main...Happy new Chinese year of the Black Rabbit 2023A year of good fortune and charm? What do you want to let go of from last year of the Tiger? Any fears?...What do you want on the Well Mother Blog?Hello to everyone. I am posting the first Well Mother Blog to get the discussion going and find out what...Yin and Yang Linking (Wei) VesselsYour body’s record keeper I hope you enjoyed my blog on the Yin and Yang Stepping (Qiao) Vessels. This...Yin and Yang Stepping (Qiao) Vessels:how we adapt to the present and is this the best name? How about Yin and Yang Motility Vessels? I love...The Girdle and Penetrating Extraordinary VesselsI have now reached the last pair of the 8 Extraordinary Vessels in my series. These are the Girdle (Yang)...Happy new Chinese yearof the Yin Wood Snake Welcome to the new Chinese year! It begins with the new moon rising at 8.15 am in...How the Extraordinary Vessels can transform your lifeThe hidden powers of TCM A brief introduction to the Vessels and how I discovered them You may have heard...The Macrocosmic Orbit I just posted a new visualisation on my YouTube channel. I already have a visualisation for the...L’utilisation des Vaisseaux Merveilleux dans les troubles de la fertilité et de la ménopauseTravail de réflexion en vue de l’obtention du Diplôme Wellmother – Maria Larsson Greppin, Suisse...The Microcosmic Orbit explained – Governing and Conception Vessel – Du Mai and Ren MaiI am starting my more detailed exploration of each of the pairs of the Eight Extraordinary Vessels...Shiatsu and massage– a wonderful way to support the first trimester of pregnancyThis is the first in a series of 3 blogs on pregnancy. I will write a separate blog on miscarriage, and...Supporting Assisted fertility: part 3This is the third part of a three part blog I wrote for a French language website. If you want to read it...Shiatsu: a way to support optimal fertility and physical and emotional health – part 2Puberty, the menstrual cycle and aging This is the second blog I wrote for the French website...Shiatsu: a way to support optimal fertility and physical and emotional healthPart One: This is the first blog I wrote for the French website It is in three parts. If...How the Extraordinary Vessels accompany us from Conception to DeathI am presenting the journey we make from conception to death at a French speaking practitioners Summer...Microcosmic orbitI hope you enjoyed the previous blogs on the pelvic floor muscles (PFM). Here is a visualisation which...The Essence of ShiatsuAn Immersive Self-Nurturing Shiatsu “Retreat” – 8th -12th May 2024 “La Source”, Near Toulouse,...Loving your Pelvic Floor Muscles (PFM)Part 1: why are they important? This is the first part of a three part blog on the pelvic floor muscles...Happy Chinese new Year of the Dragon 2024A year of prosperity and good fortune? Welcome to the Year of the Yang Wood Dragon I thought I’d publish...Suzanne’s story of setting up WellmotherHow my personal experience of pregnancy and birth led me to set up Wellmother in 1990. People have been...Women’s Cycles of Bloodpuberty, pregnancy, birth, postnatally and the menopause (maturessence) How our cycles are supported by...The extraordinary power of the menstrual cycle – part onea blue print for all life cycles, for men as well and women This blog is in three parts. In this first...Retreats at La SourceHere is a photo from the French practitioner retreat here at La Source, which finished a week ago today....The 8 Extraordinary Vessels and the first week after conceptionWhole and self contained I have been busy teaching so apologies for the delay in this next Blog on the...Coming into being: our development in the womb and the Extraordinary VesselsThis blog is about how the Extraordinary Vessels can be seen as being important at the beginning of life....The Outer Family of the Extraordinary VesselsBringing the outside back to the core: Qiao (Heel) and Wei (Linking) This is the second part of a two...The Eight Extraordinary Vessels: a family of wholeness and connectionThis was published in the Shiatsu Society Journal in February 2017 as a 2 part article. Here is part 1....Does your fire light you up or burn you out?Written by Rosa Lia, massage therapist, yoga teacher and Wellmother associate. We will be teaching...Happy new year of the Yang Water Tiger 2022- invite in your passion and purpose The beginning of a new year is an invitation to welcome in the new and let go of the old. What is your...Remembering our connection to the earth – viruses and bacteria are our friendsIn this blog, I explore how our connection to the earth has affected our immune system and how to develop...Spring – Yang rising and mothering ourselves and the earthI wish you all a wonderful Spring equinox, if you live in the northern hemisphere, albeit a few days...Que’est-ce que le shiatsu ?Qu’est-ce que le shiatsu ? Dans ce blog, je vais explorer ce qu’est le shiatsu, comment il...Happy new year of the OxHappy new year of the Metal Ox. This Chinese year, which starts on 12th February and will last until 30th...Does using hormones for contraception, fertility and the menopause affect our Essence?What is happening to our essence? This is an updated version of the original post made in 2013....Extraordinary Vessels and PregnancyThis is a project written for my “Massage and Pregnancy ” course by Claire Plowright. This...Emerging from confinement and on line shiatsu or massage sessionsAlthough some of us are emerging from our confinement, we are probably going to be gradually seeing more...Nourishing Yin at its deepest level with the Extraordinary VesselsThis is an article I wrote for the AOBTA, American Organisation for Bodywork therapies of Asia in...Covid 19 and the Extraordinary VesselsWhy are the Extraordinary Vessels so important during the Corona pandemic? In this blog I explore why we...Soutien pendant la période du CoronaA la fin il y a le texte d’une meditation que j’ai cree Cette période pour la plupart...Student reflections on Corona timesOne of my students sent this thoughtful and heart felt response to my last blog and I thought it would be...Support in the time of CoronaReflections on things we can do to support us during these changing Corona times I have created a...Meditation for support in Corona timesThis is a meditation I have created to help you to feel more grounded and open to be able to share love...Infant massage blog for Kadria Skin CareI wanted to tell you about a blog post on infant massage which I wrote with Anne Badger for the Blog of...Instabilité de la ceinture pelvienne et shiatsu Liza Krivine, une etudiante suisse de Suzanne, a traduit ce blog....Chinese Year of the PigHappy new year of the Earth Pig which starts today 5th February. It will last until 24th January 2020....Pelvic organ prolapse (POP)Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP) One of the things I love about teaching is seeing how my students take a...Les vaisseaux merveilleux et la mortVanessa est une de mes étudiants anglaise/française qui m’avait parle de son expérience avec les...How safe is it to have massage or shiatsu in the first trimester of pregnancy?Debunking myths of massage and shiatsu in pregnancy: part two How safe is it to have massage or shiatsu...Pregnancy massage: Connecting mother, baby and lifeHere is another of my Pregnancy massage students projects about how pregnancy massage can support...Pelvic girdle instabilityPelvic girdle instability (pain) and Symphysis pubis instability (pain) I explore how you know what...Benefits of Pregnancy massage: more than simply relaxationI like to share some of the work my students do for the projects as part of the course work to gain the...Menopause and the Extraordinary Vessels: reflections on the Menopause Gap and the Wellmother residentialKate Codrington attended the Wellmother Residential in Italy in May 2018. The theme was Women’s...Yang to Yin: a journey of the elementsFrom Mexico to Bristol via Guatemala and Geneva I travelled to Mexico on New Year’s Day. It was not as...The body keeps scoreHow bodywork helps process life experiences I have been reading the fascinating book “The body...Happy New Year of the Dog 2018Happy new Chinese year. The Chinese New Year starts on a different date each year and this year it begins...Shiatsu practitioners role in maternity careLucy wrote this project back in 2004, and it was on the old site. I thought it was still interesting...Sacred pregnancyHere is a lovely project which one of my pregnancy massage students did for her Diploma: I hope you enjoy...Shiatsu dans ma pratique de sage femmeecrit par: Fabienne Taugwalder, sage femme suisse Le shiatsu a beaucoup changé ma pratique de sage-femme...Turning breech babiesThis is a post I wrote on October 31, 2016 which didn’t get transferred over to the new site....How nature’s elements work in our bodiesThis is a blog I wrote in Spring 2016 but it didn’t manage to get imported from the old WordPress...Loading...
In memory of Sonia Moriceau -my main shiatsu teacher10 years onIn June, one of my students reminded me that it is 10 years since Sonia Moriceau, my main...
Happy new Chinese year of the Black Rabbit 2023A year of good fortune and charm? What do you want to let go of from last year of the Tiger? Any fears?...
What do you want on the Well Mother Blog?Hello to everyone. I am posting the first Well Mother Blog to get the discussion going and find out what...
Yin and Yang Linking (Wei) VesselsYour body’s record keeper I hope you enjoyed my blog on the Yin and Yang Stepping (Qiao) Vessels. This...
Yin and Yang Stepping (Qiao) Vessels:how we adapt to the present and is this the best name? How about Yin and Yang Motility Vessels? I love...
The Girdle and Penetrating Extraordinary VesselsI have now reached the last pair of the 8 Extraordinary Vessels in my series. These are the Girdle (Yang)...
Happy new Chinese yearof the Yin Wood Snake Welcome to the new Chinese year! It begins with the new moon rising at 8.15 am in...
How the Extraordinary Vessels can transform your lifeThe hidden powers of TCM A brief introduction to the Vessels and how I discovered them You may have heard...
The Macrocosmic Orbit I just posted a new visualisation on my YouTube channel. I already have a visualisation for the...
L’utilisation des Vaisseaux Merveilleux dans les troubles de la fertilité et de la ménopauseTravail de réflexion en vue de l’obtention du Diplôme Wellmother – Maria Larsson Greppin, Suisse...
The Microcosmic Orbit explained – Governing and Conception Vessel – Du Mai and Ren MaiI am starting my more detailed exploration of each of the pairs of the Eight Extraordinary Vessels...
Shiatsu and massage– a wonderful way to support the first trimester of pregnancyThis is the first in a series of 3 blogs on pregnancy. I will write a separate blog on miscarriage, and...
Supporting Assisted fertility: part 3This is the third part of a three part blog I wrote for a French language website. If you want to read it...
Shiatsu: a way to support optimal fertility and physical and emotional health – part 2Puberty, the menstrual cycle and aging This is the second blog I wrote for the French website...
Shiatsu: a way to support optimal fertility and physical and emotional healthPart One: This is the first blog I wrote for the French website It is in three parts. If...
How the Extraordinary Vessels accompany us from Conception to DeathI am presenting the journey we make from conception to death at a French speaking practitioners Summer...
Microcosmic orbitI hope you enjoyed the previous blogs on the pelvic floor muscles (PFM). Here is a visualisation which...
The Essence of ShiatsuAn Immersive Self-Nurturing Shiatsu “Retreat” – 8th -12th May 2024 “La Source”, Near Toulouse,...
Loving your Pelvic Floor Muscles (PFM)Part 1: why are they important? This is the first part of a three part blog on the pelvic floor muscles...
Happy Chinese new Year of the Dragon 2024A year of prosperity and good fortune? Welcome to the Year of the Yang Wood Dragon I thought I’d publish...
Suzanne’s story of setting up WellmotherHow my personal experience of pregnancy and birth led me to set up Wellmother in 1990. People have been...
Women’s Cycles of Bloodpuberty, pregnancy, birth, postnatally and the menopause (maturessence) How our cycles are supported by...
The extraordinary power of the menstrual cycle – part onea blue print for all life cycles, for men as well and women This blog is in three parts. In this first...
Retreats at La SourceHere is a photo from the French practitioner retreat here at La Source, which finished a week ago today....
The 8 Extraordinary Vessels and the first week after conceptionWhole and self contained I have been busy teaching so apologies for the delay in this next Blog on the...
Coming into being: our development in the womb and the Extraordinary VesselsThis blog is about how the Extraordinary Vessels can be seen as being important at the beginning of life....
The Outer Family of the Extraordinary VesselsBringing the outside back to the core: Qiao (Heel) and Wei (Linking) This is the second part of a two...
The Eight Extraordinary Vessels: a family of wholeness and connectionThis was published in the Shiatsu Society Journal in February 2017 as a 2 part article. Here is part 1....
Does your fire light you up or burn you out?Written by Rosa Lia, massage therapist, yoga teacher and Wellmother associate. We will be teaching...
Happy new year of the Yang Water Tiger 2022- invite in your passion and purpose The beginning of a new year is an invitation to welcome in the new and let go of the old. What is your...
Remembering our connection to the earth – viruses and bacteria are our friendsIn this blog, I explore how our connection to the earth has affected our immune system and how to develop...
Spring – Yang rising and mothering ourselves and the earthI wish you all a wonderful Spring equinox, if you live in the northern hemisphere, albeit a few days...
Que’est-ce que le shiatsu ?Qu’est-ce que le shiatsu ? Dans ce blog, je vais explorer ce qu’est le shiatsu, comment il...
Happy new year of the OxHappy new year of the Metal Ox. This Chinese year, which starts on 12th February and will last until 30th...
Does using hormones for contraception, fertility and the menopause affect our Essence?What is happening to our essence? This is an updated version of the original post made in 2013....
Extraordinary Vessels and PregnancyThis is a project written for my “Massage and Pregnancy ” course by Claire Plowright. This...
Emerging from confinement and on line shiatsu or massage sessionsAlthough some of us are emerging from our confinement, we are probably going to be gradually seeing more...
Nourishing Yin at its deepest level with the Extraordinary VesselsThis is an article I wrote for the AOBTA, American Organisation for Bodywork therapies of Asia in...
Covid 19 and the Extraordinary VesselsWhy are the Extraordinary Vessels so important during the Corona pandemic? In this blog I explore why we...
Soutien pendant la période du CoronaA la fin il y a le texte d’une meditation que j’ai cree Cette période pour la plupart...
Student reflections on Corona timesOne of my students sent this thoughtful and heart felt response to my last blog and I thought it would be...
Support in the time of CoronaReflections on things we can do to support us during these changing Corona times I have created a...
Meditation for support in Corona timesThis is a meditation I have created to help you to feel more grounded and open to be able to share love...
Infant massage blog for Kadria Skin CareI wanted to tell you about a blog post on infant massage which I wrote with Anne Badger for the Blog of...
Instabilité de la ceinture pelvienne et shiatsu Liza Krivine, une etudiante suisse de Suzanne, a traduit ce blog....
Chinese Year of the PigHappy new year of the Earth Pig which starts today 5th February. It will last until 24th January 2020....
Pelvic organ prolapse (POP)Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP) One of the things I love about teaching is seeing how my students take a...
Les vaisseaux merveilleux et la mortVanessa est une de mes étudiants anglaise/française qui m’avait parle de son expérience avec les...
How safe is it to have massage or shiatsu in the first trimester of pregnancy?Debunking myths of massage and shiatsu in pregnancy: part two How safe is it to have massage or shiatsu...
Pregnancy massage: Connecting mother, baby and lifeHere is another of my Pregnancy massage students projects about how pregnancy massage can support...
Pelvic girdle instabilityPelvic girdle instability (pain) and Symphysis pubis instability (pain) I explore how you know what...
Benefits of Pregnancy massage: more than simply relaxationI like to share some of the work my students do for the projects as part of the course work to gain the...
Menopause and the Extraordinary Vessels: reflections on the Menopause Gap and the Wellmother residentialKate Codrington attended the Wellmother Residential in Italy in May 2018. The theme was Women’s...
Yang to Yin: a journey of the elementsFrom Mexico to Bristol via Guatemala and Geneva I travelled to Mexico on New Year’s Day. It was not as...
The body keeps scoreHow bodywork helps process life experiences I have been reading the fascinating book “The body...
Happy New Year of the Dog 2018Happy new Chinese year. The Chinese New Year starts on a different date each year and this year it begins...
Shiatsu practitioners role in maternity careLucy wrote this project back in 2004, and it was on the old site. I thought it was still interesting...
Sacred pregnancyHere is a lovely project which one of my pregnancy massage students did for her Diploma: I hope you enjoy...
Shiatsu dans ma pratique de sage femmeecrit par: Fabienne Taugwalder, sage femme suisse Le shiatsu a beaucoup changé ma pratique de sage-femme...
Turning breech babiesThis is a post I wrote on October 31, 2016 which didn’t get transferred over to the new site....
How nature’s elements work in our bodiesThis is a blog I wrote in Spring 2016 but it didn’t manage to get imported from the old WordPress...