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Shiatsu for midwives

A book by Suzanne Yates with Tricia Anderson Book Details Paperback, 208 pages, 98 illustrationsPublished by Elsevier August 2003 Books…

Pregnancy and childbirth: book for therapists by Suzanne Yates

Pregnancy and childbirth: book for therapists by  Suzanne Yates 400 pages approx Published by Churchill Livingstone Order Pregnancy and Childbirth…

Shiatsu and massage for 21st maternity care

Supporting the transformative power of pregnancy with shiatsu and massage and understanding how this affects us for our whole life…

What is shiatsu?

What is shiatsu? In this blog, I will explore what shiatsu is, how it works and what a shiatsu session…

Space: the missing element in Chinese medicine

This blog was first published on 22 June 2016 on my old website. In my previous blog on the elements, I focused…

How nature’s elements work in our bodies

how do we support our bodies with the five elements

Happy new Fire (Red) Monkey year 2016

Happy new Chinese year. This year we are moving from the sure footed goat and sheep, anchored in the land…

Suzanne Yates interview: English and Deutsch

I did this interview for the Berlin school for Zen Shiatsu when I taught there in 2016. Here is the text…

Death and transformation: La mort et la transformation

Aujourd’hui, cela fait un mois que ma mère est décédée : le 5 novembre 2015. Au Royaume-Uni, c’est la nuit…

dog mountains

Death and transformation: the power of Jing

Today it is one month since my mother died: 5th November 2015. Here in the UK this is Bonfire night,…