Suzanne Yates
How the Extraordinary Vessels can transform your life
The hidden powers of TCM A brief introduction to the Vessels and how I discovered them You may have heard…
The Macrocosmic Orbit
I just posted a new visualisation on my YouTube channel. I already have a visualisation for the Microcosmic Orbit, which…
L’utilisation des Vaisseaux Merveilleux dans les troubles de la fertilité et de la ménopause
Travail de réflexion en vue de l’obtention du Diplôme Wellmother – Maria Larsson Greppin, Suisse Travailler comme praticien de shiatsu…
The Microcosmic Orbit explained – Governing and Conception Vessel – Du Mai and Ren Mai
I am starting my more detailed exploration of each of the pairs of the Eight Extraordinary Vessels with the pair of…
Shiatsu and massage– a wonderful way to support the first trimester of pregnancy
This is the first in a series of 3 blogs on pregnancy. I will write a separate blog on miscarriage,…
Supporting Assisted fertility: part 3
This is the third part of a three part blog I wrote for a French language website. If you want…
Shiatsu: a way to support optimal fertility and physical and emotional health – part 2
Puberty, the menstrual cycle and aging This is the second blog I wrote for the French website It is…
Shiatsu: a way to support optimal fertility and physical and emotional health
Part One: This is the first blog I wrote for the French website It is in three parts. If…